How Animals Sleep
There are so many kinds of animals. Each of them is different. Each one looks, runs or smells (or does not smell, if you wish) differently.And each one of them also sleeps in different ways.And what about dreams? Perhaps each animal has different dreams too.Or perhaps they are the same dreams that we all have and share in the evenings.Good night. The text of this dictionary of sleeping animals by Jiří Dvořák, one of Baobab's key authors, is accompanied by illustrations from the recent graduate from VŠUP [Academy of Arts, Architecture & Design in Prague] Marie Štumpfová. What do animals look like, what do they do and need, what are they thinking about during their sleep and rest? Some sleep nearly all the time while others hardly ever, some sleep underwater while others stand on one leg, some sleep in snow while others in hot desert... This book continues the popular form of animal concertina books, turning to the youngest readers who have a limited choice of books aimed at them. It also encourages parents and teachers to participate in creative play while providing for them, as well as the children, an opportunity to explore why people and animals sleep, what rest is, where and how each animal lives and how they can be useful.