Petr Borkovec
Petr Borkovec is a poet, writer, editor, translator, and literary activist. A graduate of Jan Kepler Gymnasium in Prague, he studied Czech language and literature at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, from 1989 to 1995 but did not complete his degree. He has worked as an editor for several magazines, taught at a literary high school, and directed and dramatized literary programs.
Currently, he is an editor at Fra publishing house and a dramaturge for the Fra literary café since 2005. He leads a seminar at VŠKK and regularly collaborates as a columnist with the literatura website, Vltava radio station, and magazines A2, Host, Full Moon, as well as with the Slovak literary review Fraktál.
His poetry collections include Prostírání do tichého (1990), Poustevna, věštírna, loutkárna (1991), Ochoz (1994), Mezi oknem, stolem a postelí (1996), Polní práce (1998), Needle-Book (2003), and a free cycle of twelve poems titled A.B.A.F. (Opus), Vnitrozemí, Sebrané a nové básně 1990-2005 (2002, Fra). His prose works include Berlínský sešit / Zápisky ze Saint-Nazaire (2008, Fra; second expanded edition as Zlodějíček, 2014), Jedna věta (Revolver Revue), Milostné básně (2012, Fra), Herbář k čemusi horšímu (2018, Fra), Lido di Dante (2017, Fra), and Petříček Sellier & Petříček Bellot (2019, Fra). His children's books include Všechno je to na zahradě (2013, Běžíliška), O čem sní (2016, Běžíliška), Věci našeho života (2017, Cesta domů), and Každá věc má něco společného se štěstím (2019, Běžíliška).