Hello, Little Bunny!
So, I set out to write something that was not pedagogical, just for the sake of it. Something to make you happy... Thus, the book Hello, Little Bunny began to take shape. (D. M.)
The stories of the great friendship between a little rabbit and a squirrel are told in the purest, simplest way, revealing the power in the most ordinary moments of childhood. They speak of the tiny moments when suddenly, the world appears vast, terrifying, and beautiful all at once. They recount how often thinking something is different from doing it; how loving someone changes everything for the better; how some questions don't have easy answers... The rabbit and squirrel leap through the forest together, visit one another, and experience many things together. They observe, question, ponder, and frolic, and in so doing, subtly guide the reader through the landscape of the first big philosophical questions: Who am I and who are you? Can a thought change the world? What does it mean to love? What does it mean to think? Hello, Little Bunny can confidently be placed alongside classic works of world modern literature like Winnie-the-Pooh, Alice in Wonderland, or The Little Prince.